1066 Country Ltd - the 1066.network    Photogallery

Hobbies and Crafts Exhibition 19 / 20 October  2002.
The Phoenix Centre, William Parker School, Parkstone Road, Hastings 

Click thumbnail for bigger picture.

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All pictures are (c) copyright Ion Castro, 2002 and may not be reproduced without permission. There is no charge for non-commercial / not-for-profit reproduction but an acknowledgement is required. The larger images are reduced versions of the originals which can be supplied on request or printed - e-mail [email protected]

30th October - that's all the pictures, captions will follow - hopefully soon

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All pictures are (c) copyright Ion Castro, 2002 and may not be reproduced without permission. There is no charge for non-commercial / not-for-profit reproduction but an acknowledgement is required. The larger images are reduced versions of the originals which can be supplied on request or printed - e-mail [email protected]

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