A Cosmology

Stephen Hawking has got it wrong. Well! Lets just say he has not extended his hypothesis to the fullest extent (note how I am both able to be generous an patronising at the same time, arrogant pig that I am!). While recovering from an operation - an 11 day inconvenience, my family have an inherited ability to recover quickly from being dis-embowelled it happens so frequently - I found myself free to read Mr Hawking's book "A Short History of Time" and make marginal notes :). Like many great modern thinkers (sic) he is still limited by the monotheistic nature of our cultural background. Regardless of faith, belief or creed, modern thinking is still monolithic. There never was one, single moment of creation, one big bang. Big bangs when they occur are part of a continuing process of creation, and usually signify a flaw in the process rather than a divine moment. There are in space far older objects and even galaxies than our own tiny stamping ground. So what does happen? Space has weight, massive weight, there is no great vacuum, it just that matter is thinner in some places than others and in some places it actually condenses, hence our little home and our own little toe-warmer, the Sun. However, when the weight of space becomes too great it collapses into a Black Hole, which as it grows - growth odd concept this for a black hole - provides an escape route to another less stressed dimension and through this opening stars and even galaxies march in neat lines to a better less confined place. When such an event occurs stresses occur in less populated areas and a real vacuum forms. Tears in the fabric of space time happen and along these stress-lines, Hydrogen, the building block of matter forms from nowhere (wherever that is) . And the process of creation has started again and again and again and so on ad Infinitum...............

While I am about it The Doppler Effect! It does not exist! Phony, the redness is caused by the presence of Carbon 10 (Buckie-Balls. Buckmasterfullerines) suspended in space, the deeper the space the redder the effect. What feeds our Sun and all the others? Same stuff, rains down all the time, keeping the blaze going. Follows the lines of a great electromagnetic Matrix that keeps everything place - most of the time.... Surely you didn't believe all that stuff about Thermonuclear reaction.... Oh really! How naive can you get?....
You realise by this that we are one spit away from space travel at little cost. But that's a further installment I don't want to over suspend your disbelief.
